Category: Windows

Get Certificate Details on Multiple Computers/Servers from Personal Store Using PowerShell

Steps to Execute:

  1. Open Powershell ISE
  2. Paste the code in attached text file.
  3. Click on run to load the function
  4. Run the below command once the function is loaded.

$Servers = Get-Content “c:\temp\tempserverlist.txt”
foreach($Server in $Servers){
Get-Certificate -Computername $Server -StoreName My | select @{n=’Servername’;e={$server}},FriendlyName,DnsNameList,Issuer,NotAfter,NotBefore,Subject | Export-Csv C:\temp\mycerts.csv -Append

5. Csv file should have the certificate details in personal store.

Below is the function to load

Function Get-Certificate  {



Retrieves  certificates from a local or remote system.

Retrieves  certificates from a local or remote system.

        .PARAMETER  Computername

  A single or  list of computernames to perform search against

        .PARAMETER  StoreName

  The name of  the certificate store name that you want to search

        .PARAMETER  StoreLocation

  The location  of the certificate store.


  Name:  Get-Certificate


  Version  History:

  1.0 -  Initial Version


  Get-Certificate -Computername 'mypc' -StoreName My -StoreLocation  LocalMachine

             Thumbprint                                 Subject                              

  ----------                                 -------                              

  F29B6CB248E3395B2EB45FCA6EA15005F64F2B4E   CN=SomeCert                          

  B93BA840652FB8273CCB1ABD804B2A035AA39877   CN=YetAnotherCert                    

  B1FF5E183E5C4F03559E80B49C2546BBB14CCB18   CN=my                              

  65F5A012F0FE3DF8AC6B5D6E07817F05D2DF5104   CN=SomeOtherCert                     




  Lists all certificates


  Get-Certificate -Computername 'mypc' -StoreName My -StoreLocation  LocalMachine -DaysUntilExpired 14 |

  Select  Subject, DaysUntilExpired,NotAfter

            Subject                              DaysUntilExpired  NotAfter                 

  -------                              ----------------  --------                 

  CN=SomeCert                                        12  10/22/2014 12:00:00 AM   

  CN=SomeOtherCert                                    4 10/14/2014  12:00:00 AM                            Expired 12/21/2011  11:00:00 PM



  Lists all  certificates that Expire in 14 days or has already expired


  Get-Certificate -Computername 'my-pc' -StoreName My -StoreLocation  LocalMachine -DaysUntilExpired 14 -HideExpired |

  Select  Subject, DaysUntilExpired,NotAfter

            Subject                              DaysUntilExpired  NotAfter                 

  -------                              ----------------  --------                 

  CN=SomeCert                                        12  10/22/2014 12:00:00 AM   

  CN=SomeOtherCert                                    4  10/14/2014 12:00:00 AM



  Lists all  certificates that Expire in 14 days and hides certificates that have expired



  DefaultParameterSetName = 'All'


  Param (



  [string[]]$Computername =  $env:COMPUTERNAME,

  [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]$StoreName = 'My',

  [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation]$StoreLocation  = 'LocalMachine',






  Process  {

  ForEach  ($Computer in  $Computername) {

  Try  {

  Write-Verbose  ("Connecting to {0}\{1}" -f "\\$($Computername)\$($StoreName)",$StoreLocation)

  $CertStore  = New-Object  System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store  -ArgumentList "\\$($Computername)\$($StoreName)", $StoreLocation


  Write-Verbose  "ParameterSetName: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

  Switch  ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)  {

  'All'  {



  'Expire'  {

  $CertStore.Certificates | Where {

  $_.NotAfter -lt (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysUntilExpired)

  } | ForEach {

  $Days = Switch ((New-TimeSpan  -End $_.NotAfter).Days)  {

  {$_ -gt 0} {$_}

  Default {'Expired'}


  $Cert = $_ | Add-Member -MemberType  NoteProperty -Name  DaysUntilExpired -Value  $Days -PassThru

  If ($HideExpired  -AND $_.DaysUntilExpired -ne  'Expired') {


  } ElseIf (-Not $HideExpired) {






  } Catch  {

  Write-Warning  "$($Computer): $_"



